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介绍时毓民分期辨治儿童慢性特发性中性粒细胞减少症的临床经验。认为本病病机以肺脾肾不足、虚实夹杂为主,治疗重视标本兼顾、分期施治。感染期以祛邪治标为主,用药轻清发散、佐以扶正;稳定期以治本补虚为主,以健脾补肾、补益肺卫及益气补血、活血生血为主要治法,常用异功散、十全大补汤合左归丸加减治疗。并附验案1则。  相似文献   
Many new mothers do not reach their breastfeeding goals. Breastfeeding self‐efficacy is a modifiable determinant influenced by prior and new breastfeeding experiences. More knowledge about factors associated with early breastfeeding experiences and breastfeeding self‐efficacy would allow us to qualify breastfeeding counselling and increase breastfeeding duration. This study aimed to identify prevalence and factors associated with early negative breastfeeding experience, low breastfeeding self‐efficacy in the first week postpartum, and drop in self‐efficacy from late pregnancy to early postpartum period. A prospective longitudinal study was performed in Denmark from 2013 to 2014, including 2, 804 mothers. Results showed that 1 week postpartum almost 10% of mothers had negative breastfeeding experiences, 36% had low breastfeeding self‐efficacy, and 26% drop in self‐efficacy from pregnancy. Negative breastfeeding experiences were significantly associated with epidural analgesia, interrupted skin‐to‐skin contact immediately postpartum, short previous breastfeeding duration, and lacking social support. Low breastfeeding self‐efficacy was associated with low breastfeeding intention, short previous breastfeeding duration, and negative breastfeeding experiences in the first week postpartum. Finally, significant associations of drop in breastfeeding self‐efficacy from late pregnancy were no or short education, early negative breastfeeding experiences, prior short breastfeeding duration, and low general breastfeeding self‐efficacy in pregnancy. Negative breastfeeding experiences in the first week postpartum is crucial for maternal breastfeeding self‐efficacy 1 week following birth. It is important to identify and support mothers at risk of negative breastfeeding experiences in the first week following birth and address factors that might increase the probability of early successful breastfeeding experiences.  相似文献   
In insight problem solving solutions with AHA! experience have been assumed to be the consequence of restructuring of a problem which usually takes place shortly before the solution. However, evidence from priming studies suggests that solutions with AHA! are not spontaneously generated during the solution process but already relate to prior subliminal processing. We test this hypothesis by conducting an fMRI study using a modified compound remote associates paradigm which incorporates semantic priming. We observe stronger brain activity in bilateral anterior insulae already shortly after trial onset in problems that were later solved with than without AHA!. This early activity was independent of semantic priming but may be related to other lexical properties of attended words helping to reduce the amount of solutions to look for. In contrast, there was more brain activity in bilateral anterior insulae during solutions that were solved without than with AHA!. This timing (after trial start/during solution) x solution experience (with/without AHA!) interaction was significant. The results suggest that (a) solutions accompanied with AHA! relate to early solution‐relevant processing and (b) both solution experiences differ in timing when solution‐relevant processing takes place. In this context, we discuss the potential role of the anterior insula as part of the salience network involved in problem solving by allocating attentional resources.  相似文献   
邱健主任医师从事中医临床35年,临床治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征(IBS-D)有独到的见解,认为IBS-D的病因为先天禀赋不足和(或)后天失养、情志失调、饮食不节、感受外邪等,其发病关键在于心小肠藏象系统功能紊乱,心阳不足,不能温煦小肠,小肠泌别清浊失司而发为泄泻,以“桂枝荔芝汤”为基础方论治此病临床效果显著。  相似文献   
大动脉炎是一种慢性进行性非特异性炎性疾病,以抗炎、抑制免疫、扩血管等内科治疗为主,由于大动脉炎具有反复发作的特点,因此如何控制病情发展、减少受累血管、控制血压、缓解症状成为治疗的重点与难点。文章系统分析翁维良教授应用活血通络法治疗大动脉炎长时医案1则(治疗33 a),通过对其诊治思路、用药经验进行分析,总结出翁教授在活血通络基础上,根据疾病不同发展阶段本虚标实的偏盛,运用搜风通络、清热解毒、清肝平肝治疗大动脉炎的临证经验。  相似文献   
随着社会的发展,人类生活方式的改变,高血压病越来越高发,具有低龄化趋势,代谢综合征常伴随发生,此种情况下的高血压往往是以舒张压升高为主,临床表现常与“亚健康”状态混淆,未能引起患者甚至部分医生的重视,然而事实上越来越多的科学研究证实舒张压高之危害十分明显,不容忽视。尽管现代医学对舒张压高的病因及病理机制有明确的阐述,但是暂时没有特效的药物。李延教授在治疗高血压病方面有着丰富的临床经验,临床中运用泽泻汤合温胆汤加减治疗舒张压高之眩晕,切中病机,加减灵活,屡有良效。文中从中医角度阐述舒张压高的病因病机,介绍李师辨病辨证思路,组方用药特点,附三则典型验案,另加个人心得体会,以期为舒张压高的有效治疗提供思路。  相似文献   
以中国近代中医药期刊为主视角,以近代中医名家为研究主体,探讨近代上海名医文化区域特征。近代上海名医多家学渊源,国学功底深厚,以文会友,在期刊阵营中思想活跃;上海为近代中医药期刊创刊的主阵地,名医办刊办学,刊学相辅,使中医教育呈现出师承、家学、院校、函授等多种模式相结合的发展趋势。生逢乱世的近代上海名医,将中医的命运与民族命运紧密相连,注重扶持民族企业,研发自主品牌,这标志着近代中医民族品牌意识开始觉醒。近代上海名医具有传统中医的特色,深受江南地域文化影响,又注重吸收和借鉴西方医学,形成了异彩纷呈的海派特色。  相似文献   
从慢性再生障碍性贫血的中医病因病机及临证遣方用药特点等方面对杨文华教授的治疗经验进行归纳、总结,以期为临床治疗提供借鉴。杨文华教授认为慢性再生障碍性贫血发病以肾虚精亏为本,脉络瘀阻为标,“肾虚精亏、髓枯血瘀”为病机关键,治疗以“补肾生髓、祛瘀生新”为根本大法,同时注重调补阴阳,善用血肉有情之品、炭类止血药物及中药药对等治疗,临床疗效显著。  相似文献   
我国家庭医生绩效管理主要为政府主导,因为相关政策起步相对较晚,目前无论是国家还是地方,都尚且处在一个尝试摸索的阶段,还没有形成一个完备统一的考核体系。本文中,笔者将对现阶段我国家庭医生绩效考核相关制度及进展现状进行阐述,同时关于我国医生绩效考核机制存在的问题,提出针对性建议,为优化我国家庭医生签约制度提供参考。  相似文献   
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